Article 1: Membership


  1. a) Membership applications are forwarded either to Federations or directly to the headquarters of the Movement. A membership application is accepted by a Federation only if the applicant’s place of residence is within the said Federation.


  1. b) The annual contribution fees and its distribution among the Federation and the various instances are fixed by the Political Bureau, for each civil year.


The contribution can be paid in many instalments within three months as from the date of appeal for contribution or decision of the Political Bureau.


The Political Bureau can impose a reduced contribution fees for particular categories of members.


Once the appeal to contribution is launched,

  • At the Federal level, the divisional Committee appoints a funds collector in each section, who receives the section members funds, draws a list destined to the section and divisional committees and deposits the funds to the National Financing Cell.
  • At the national level, the committee of the specialised section appoints a funds collector in every city, who gathers the contributions of members of his town, draws a list destined to the section committee and the National treasurer and deposits the funds to the National financial committee.


  1. In line with conditions stated in Article 3 of the statutes, are registered on electoral list, members who have duly paid their contributions on the 31st of December and 30th of June, before the votes.


  1. Membership applications received by Federations after instruction by the Divisional Bureau are transmitted to the headquarters of the Movement, for validation.


Article 2: Members’ rights

Members are consulted for candidature nominations in the conditions stated in article 16 of the Movement’s Statutes.

They partake to Movement debates.


Article 3 : Sanctions against members


  1. Applicable sanctions are suspension and exclusion. They are pronounced following a contradictory procedure, and factually the member in question is informed of his case, and interviewed at his request.

The decision is notified to the said member by recommended letter with reception handout.


  1. The disciplinary power is exercised either by the divisional committee or the National Council.

The Divisional Committee instructs the Divisional Secretary on request of sanction proposed by the president of the Divisional Committee against the members of his Federation. The Divisional Committee can also delegate the instructions for sanctions request to a commission appointed to this effect. While a waiting the decision, the Divisional Committee or the Commission may decide to deprive the said members from his membership.


In the absence of decision from the Divisional Committee, the General Secretary can call upon the National Council in view of pronouncing a sanction against a member.


For members who are holders of an elective, executive or parliamentary power is runned by the national Council. The Political Bureau instructs the request of sanctions formulated by the Movement’s President, on the General Secretary’s report. The Political Bureau’s proposal is presented to the National Council by the Movement President.


While a waiting the sanction, the Movement’s President can decide to put an end to the membership of a member against whom a disciplinary action is undertaken, after the Political Bureau’s appreciation.


  1. The sanctions that may be pronounced either by the Divisional Commitee or the National Council can be appealed at the National recourse Commission. Request for appeal should be made through recommanded letter with reception handout to the President of the National Commission of recourse within exactly seven days as from the date of notification of decision.


The National Committee of recourse instructs on the report of one of its members, the request for appeal within the day of its reception. The said member can willingly be interviewed by the National Commission of recourse. The national Commission of recourses handles the case at last.





Committees are made of full right’s members and elected members.




Article 4: Election modalities for Committees elected members.

  1. No one can present himself to an election as an elected member except he’s first all a full right member of a committee.
  2. Members are elected through a one turn secret and direct one name voting list, one turn secret and direct vote by members up to date with their contributions.
  3. Deadline for candidatures registration must be at least 30 days before the election, so as to grant each candidate enough time for his campaign.
  4. Territorial Committee elections are organised by the Divisional Secretary.
  5. The President of the divisional committee and the divisional secretary should grant each candidate the possibility to address the members and to be known by these ones in the conditions defined in a guide for electoral operations drawn up by the commission in charge by the Political Bureau.


Article 5 : Election modalities for representations of new members in committees


New members are represented in commitees. Additive seats are reserved to them in the proportion defined by the political Bureau, in line with the conditions defined by the electoral operations guide.


Article 6 : Full right member quality


The quality of full right members is duly acquired on the day of election or appointment. The loss of this quality is observed on December 31 of the year preceding the renewal of local instances.





The functioning of section committees is ruled by the Federation’s Rules and regulations.


Article 7: Composition and Functioning of the Divisional Committee Bureau


The President of the divisional committee is elected by the committee members, on a one name and double turn majority vote. He presides over the bureau.


The Divisional Committee Bureau is at least made up of the President of the divisional Committee, the Divisional secretary, the deputy divisional Secretaries, the Treasurer, Ministers, MPS, Presidents of Municipal and regional Councils residing in the said division, the Divisional official in charge of youths affairs and the section delegations. Other members can be added to this bureau on the proposition of the divisional committee.


Article 8 : Meetings of the Divisional Committees


  1. The divisional Committee meets at least once every six months.

The divisional committee can also meet at the written request of two-thirds of its members, sent to the President of the Divisional committee. The meeting’s agenda should be clearly stated in the letter and can neither be modified by the President of the divisional committee nor by the divisional secretary; The meeting of the divisional committee shall be held latest one month following the date of the issuing of the letter to the President and statuates on the agenda indicated in the request.


  1. The President must also call a divisional committee meeting within the next three months following the appointment of the divisional secretary in view of ratifying his appointement.
  2. Each year, and latest three months before end of term, the divisional secretary presents to the divisional committee a report of activities which clearly states on:
  • registrations
  • finances of the Federation
  • Militant life of the Federation.


The report is followed by a debate. After the appreciation of the divisional committee, the divisional secretary delivers the report as well as eventual observations from the meeting of the divisional committee to the Political Bureau.


Article 9 : Conflicts resolutions within the divisional committee.


In case of disagreement between the divisional secretary and the President of the Divisional committee, obstructing the good functioning of the divisional instances of the Movement, the Movement’s President, called upon by one or another party, after appreciation of the political Bureau, takes a final resolution on the conflict and can call a divisional committee meeting. Possibly, the Movement President may dismiss one or another party in conflict.




Article 10 : Other territorial section committees and specialised sections.


  1. a) Committees may be created on a different territorial basis or electoral and administrative circumscription (sub-division, districts, and city councils). Applications for creation shall be issued to the divisional committee, which probes it and organises the elections modalities.


  1. b) Specialised sections: Its application for creation must be issued to the Political Bureau for acceptance. After approval of the Political Bureau, the general Secretary of the Movement organizes the election of the section President. The duration of this mandate is two years.

After their creation, the section proposes to the Political Bureau their rule and regulations, for approval. The membership in a specialised section can’t by no means nullify the membership in a federation.


Article 11 : The youths of the Movement


A Federation of ‘’Youths Reformer’s’’ takes care of the diffusion principles as well as fundamental values of the federation. Its goal is to encourage the youths aged between 14 and 23 to participate in public debates, to make their preoccupations a part of the project and encourage their commitment of the Cameroonian Political life.


The ‘’Youths Reformer’s’’ Federation is organised according to its specific rules and regulations submitted to the approval of the Movement’s political Bureau.

The ‘’Youths Reformer’’ Federation elects from within their representatives to the National Council.


Article 12 :

The Movement’s president can decide the dissolution of a territorial or specialised section, after appreciation of the Political Bureau.





Article 17 :

  1. Members attending the congress can take part to vote. However, in each division a voting station will enable those of the members who cannot attend the congress, to vote.


The commission in charge of organizing and controlling the electoral operations determines the conditions in which the voting process of members unable to attend the congress is organized.

The divisional voting station is up made of the representatives of the President of the Divisional Committee, the General Secretary and, if need be, the candidates of the leading team.


  1. Votes at the congress are through a secret ballot.
  2. In order to calculate the majority, members voting electronically and by other telecommunication tools are counted. The Commission in charge of organizing and controlling the electoral operations organizes the votes of these members to the congress.
  3. The counting is made immediately after the closing of votes. The Commission in charge of organizing and controlling the electoral operations centralises all the results from federations as well as those of Cameroonians abroad, and releases the results.
  4. For members of the Federation of Cameroonians abroad, voting ballots are received at the National Centre latest the day preceding the National votes and following modalities defined by the commission in charge of organizing and controlling electoral operations. Votes by letter are not authorised except for Cameroonians abroad.


Aticle 18 :

Every member can be represented by another member bearing a due mandate. A member cannot receive more than a power of attorney from another member.

The pattern of mandate issued by the Commission in charge of organizing and controlling the elections operations clearly indicates names, surnames, place of residence of the signatory and is issued for one single congress.




Article 19 :

The number of delegates of the Divisional Federations is at least equal to the number of full right members of the national council as stated in paragraph 1, 2, 3 and 4 of article 19 of the Movement statutes. The number of delegates per Divisional Federation is fixed proportionally to the number of members of each federation.


Each federation is represented by a minimal number of delegates at the national council determined by the Political Bureau.


Article 20:

The Political Bureau fixes the date, place and agenda of the day of National Council Meeting.


Article 21 :

The decisions of the national Council are taken on a simple majority basis. However, in disciplinary matters, decisions of the National Council are at a two-third majority. The National Council can accurately meet only if half of its members are present.



Article 22 :

The members of the Political Bureau have a four-year mandate. Elected members of the political bureau are elected on two turn votes list. Each list bearing twelve (12) candidates with no possible suppression or addition of names and without notification of the order of appearance.

At the first turn, six (06) seats are attributed to the list that won an absolute majority of votes.

With such attribution, the other seats are shared among other lists proportionally, according to the rule of the highest average.

If no list scores the absolute majority of votes during the first turn, a second turn is then opened. Six seats are attributed to the list having the highest score. Once attributed, the remaining seats are redistributed to all the list, according to the rule of  highest average. The lists having scored less than 10 % of counted votes are not considered during the distribution of seats. The seats are attributed to candidates, in line with the order of appearance on every list.


No member can be registered on more than one list. Only the candidates having scored at least 10 % of counted votes can be admitted to compete during the second turn. The lists can be modified at the second turn to integrate candidates of first turn waiting lists if those candidates are not competing on the second turn and if that their first turn score is at least 10 %. In case of modification of composition of a list, the order of appearance of candidates can also be modified.


Article 23 :

The Political Bureau is chaired by the Movement’s President. The General Secretary takes care of its secretariat.

The Political Bureau can grant mandate to the National treasurer to undertake on behalf of the party any financial negotiation that profits  the Movement or its candidates, more precisely when it comes to loans guarantees and credit lines aiming at financing local or national elections.


Article 24 :

The Political Bureau can meet upon a written request addressed to the Movement‘s President, at one-third of members of the National Council.

The agenda of the meeting must clearly appear in the request and cannot be modified by the President of the Movement. The meeting of the Political Bureau must be held latest within of one month following the date of the request sent to the President and should give a ruling on the agenda as stated in the request.




The Movement leading team is made up of the President, the Vice-President and the General Secretary.


Article 25 :

  1. The Movement leading team is elected every four years. This election is ruled by the dispositions of article 22 of the statutes. The organization of this election in under the supervision of the Commission in charge of organizing and controlling the electoral operations that receives the candidatures and validates them.
  2. Under the supervision of the Commission in charge of organizing and controlling the electoral operations, the Political Bureau takes care of the diffusion of list and the statement of each of the candidates.
  3. The President list’s is elected at a one turn majority vote. Before each vote, each candidate can address the voters. The Political Bureau states on an equal time granted to each candidate. The Commission in charge of organizing and controlling the electoral operations watches over the respect of allowances determined by the Political Bureau. The results of the votes are released during the Congress.


Article 26 :

  1. Candidatures must be forwarded to the Political Bureau at least two months before the date fixed for the Congress by recommended letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the Commission in charge of organization and control of the electoral operations.

The candidatures opening shall be accompanied by the candidate’s statement no more than five (05) pages as well as the names and surnames of the Vice-president and the General Secretary. No name shall appear on more than one list.


  1. On the day of the candidature submission, a candidate must bring forth signatures of at least 15 % of members backing his candidature. These ones should be up to date with their party contributions, coming from 10 different federations, counting at least 20 % of the Movement. No member shall grant his signature to more than one candidate.

The minimum number of members, elected members or members occupying elective functions within the Movement required to sustain a candidature is announced by the Commission in charge of organization and control of the electoral operations at least six months before the date indicated for the Congress.


  1. The Commission in charge of controlling and organizing the electoral operations shall verify the validity of candidatures in accordance with these criteria and transmits to the Political Bureau the list of valid candidatures latest forty-five days before the date fixed for the Congress.


Article 27 :

In case of vacancy of the Movement’s Presidency, the Commission in charge of organizing and controlling the electoral operations shall organise within six months, the election of a new leading team according to modalities stated in article 25.


The Commission in charge of organization and control of electoral operations is made  up of members designated during this last election. However, if the number of members is less than seven (07), the Political Bureau must call without any delay, a national Council in view of appointing a new Commission of organization and control of the electoral operations.


Article 28 :

In case of contest, the National Commission for recourse shall give a ruling in final resort. It shall interview the different parties as well as the representatives of the Commission in charge of organizing and controlling the electoral operations, who can go to the field and report the facts.





Article 29 :

In application of articles 4 and 21 of the statutes and on reserve of dispositions stated in article 14, the National Commission of investiture organizes a Consultation of members for attribution of investiture.


Article 30 :

The National Commission of investiture shall systematically refer to the divisional committee concerned by the said election of one or more candidatures.

In case of plenty of candidatures, divisional committees shall deliberate on a simple majority basis.

Divisional Committee can decide to consult the General Assembly of a given section. The National Commission of investiture shall also have the possibility to directly consult the General Assembly of a given section.


The National Commission of investiture shall then take a decision and transmit it to the National Council, which definitively decides on the Movement’s candidatures.


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