The Republic and Democracy are in danger. Our profound commitment aiming at rescuing the republic and democracy for the sake of peace in our homeland obliges us to go beyond our regional, ethno linguistic, socio-professional, religious and generational differences, throughout a great movement. Our ambition henceforth is to create for Cameroonians a new political force.


A look at the history of the participation of populations in the political life from the beginning of the nineties till date, far from a mere destruction of the citizenship, denotes a sounding expression of the denial of a certain policy and therefore compels us to tackle politics in a different manner. Our thirst for social justice, our strong will to see Cameroon shine among nations of the world by freeing ourselves from all types horse-trading, leads us to patriotic service.


The national integration and its corollary which is the birth of a genuine Cameroonian nation impose unto us a consensus-based approach. We must listen, convince and act so as to radically part from yokes of outdated political practices and displace fixed boundaries, in view of a national consensus of unity, freedom and modernity. We’re convinced that Cameroonian people, in their great diversity, are longing for consensus. It is within a real fusion with the people that this consensus will have a break through in the political arena.


Our political commitment lies on the founding principles of reformers’ charter. Being a reformer means total and full conscious adherence to these principles.


Being a reformer is committing oneself to a tireless and endless action in view of the incarnation of these principles in the Cameroonian society.


The reformers movement brings together fellow Cameroonians longing for peace, justice and joy within a dynamic foundation of a new society.


The reformers movement commits itself, through creativity, innovation, and unceasing considerations of general interest, optimization and flexibility in the management of human resources and by the strength of the people to build a united, free and modern Cameroon.


  1. Redefining National Unity


Five decades after our country gained independence, politicians continue to see Cameroonians through the colonial prism. Divisions of all kinds generated by the colonial forces in view of establishing their domination which have led to humanitarian tragedies in several  cases are still going on, nourished and aggravated. Under the influence of a selfish and micro identity policy, the Cameroonian people, confined in a precarious union show signs of fracture. The reformer’s movement rejects such an artificial unity unable to face the least trial, and proposes a genuine unity, fruit of the republican consensus and social justice.


The reformers are taking an oath to create conditions of a real republican dialogue among political leaders, for an agreement on the shape and functioning of the republican institutions. The reformers are committing themselves for the political action to prioritarily seeks the individual welfare of every Cameroonian through out the national territory.



  1. Resizing Bilingualism


Bilingualism is the result of our double French and English colonization. It is henceforth easy to imagine that without this double administrative supervision we’d never have had Francophones on the one hand an Anglophones on the other hand. It is obvious that families living at the borders of the North West and West Provinces on the one hand, and West and Littoral Provinces on the other hand have been primarily separated by a colonial boundary, then by a linguistic line.


The Reformer’s movement forbids itself to be enclosed in such a colonial scheme and proposes the transmutation of a regional bilingualism to a genuine national bilingualism, a true tool for the shining of Cameroon on the international scene. The reformers are taking an oath to make bilingualism an essential and unavoidable element of Cameroonian citizenship.


  1. Recreating Citizenship


Today’s political action has a strong tribal and regional dimension. The ethno tribal factor determines the political representation and access to political functions. The reformative ideology, through education, training and development of individual capacities seeks to set men and women free from citizenship. A questioning citizenship, a free citizenship, a committed citizenship, a responsible citizenship are some of the aspects of the new citizenship as promoted by the Reformers movement.


The Reformers engage themselves to work for the development of critical sense of citizens, unique guarantee of judicious choices for a better future of the nation.


The Reformers engage themselves to make Cameroonian citizens, free men and women, responsible of their common destiny.


The Reformers engages themselves to make of political participation, a fundamental element for the national citizenship.


  1. Restoring Values


The nowadays Cameroonian society is shaken by a deep crisis of values. The irresponsibility of politicians has expanded and made supporters in the whole community: corruption, mismanagement, injustice, lack of general interest in the ruling of republican duties has brought forth counter-values in all the spheres of the society. Tribalism, facility, individualism, popular trials, self-pity, anti-patriotism, and selfishness are progressively and deeply destroying the Cameroonian society. Because the reformers are aware that such lapses in a society like ours constitute an open door to perdition and a hindrance to national construction, their ideology projects a viable society that answers to the needs of every person as a human value as well as to the needs of the community as a whole.


The reformers engage themselves to edify a society built on a common socket of values. The reformers engage themselves to make the civic service the basic element in the diffusion of republican values.



  1. Re-establishing National Solidarity


The most noticeable characteristic of the Cameroonian society is undoubtedly its extreme poverty. The despair of men and women is deep with regards to the different governments that have been in office, but have left aside social preoccupations.  Crises of all sorts, including sanitary, food, teaching, employment, lodging and urbanization are not only the indicators of a lack of solidarity, but really a threat to National construction.

Faced with life’s hardships, the reformers movements are seeking the social transformation through the reduction of inequity, and alleviation of social imbalance. National solidarity in the sense of the reformation ideology seeks to re-create a society that proclaims the primacy of the individual and his dignity.


The Reformers engage themselves to guarantee to Cameroonian citizens and more especially to youths free access to learning and knowledge acquisition as an unavoidable element of social progress.


  1. Ruling Differently


This is the actual situation: plethoric governments formed on the tribal or regional representation, a governmental action without clear focuses and inefficient, members of government corrupt and far away from the daily preoccupations of the people. The actual governance is unable to get Cameroonians out of the pitch of misery, compelling them to back-clash and compromising by so doing the future of the nation. The Reformer Movement proposes to break the yoke of this governance of another century through a modernization of governmental action. In this respect, clarity, efficiency, authority, action, anticipation and evaluation are the strong indications of the governmental reformative action.


The Reformers engage themselves to annihilate the entire tribal and regional requirement to be fulfilled in order to have access to ministerial functions.


The Reformers engage themselves to exclusively orientate the governmental action within the Nation’s general interest and to the worldwide influence of Cameroon.


The Reformers engage themselves for fruitful governance that grants careful ear to Cameroonians and encourages citizen’s participation through social dialogue.


  1. Rescuing Democracy


The result and the state of democracy in our country have frustrated number of fellow Cameroonians. From he massacre of martyrs years back to political manoeuvres of all sorts aiming at destroying political parties today to the establishment of the one-party system and marches organized against multipartism, the autocratic regime enslaved by the foreign countries have always hindered Cameroonians liberties and democratic expression.


A parliamentary representation made of irresponsible and white collar thieves, citizens deprived of their right to expression, fake elections and narrow-minded political leaders. The Cameroonian antidemocracy has nullified the participation of citizens to the democratic process. The Reformer’s Movement, the Progressist and Democratic Party fight for liberties and equity as essential prerequisites for the emergence of a democratic society. It seeks to construct a Cameroonian nation within the framework of a state of rights, integrating the universal votes and pluralism.


The Reformers commit themselves to modernizing and reinforcing the independence of the legislative and the judiciary.


The Reformers vow to observe popular consultations on important choices for the future and on instauration of a popular initiatives referendum as key elements to citizen’s participation.


  1. Quest for Modernity


In spite of the great potentials of Cameroon and regardless of the numerous sacrifices made by the populations up to now, all the parts of the country remain archaic; an outdated agriculture, an informal economy, a stagnant industrial sector, inexistence of social infrastructures, a forsaken world or anarchic urbanization. Time has come to go back to work with ambition and audacity. Reforming in view of modernizing all the sectors of our society, that’s the fundamental principle of the Reformer’s commitment. Because the Reformer’s Movement is open to expectations, aspirations and hopes of the Cameroonian populations, it’s now appealing to the union of all the reformers in order to reinvent new strategies and approaches and build up a new society for a better future.


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